[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] New CIA chip prices and Availability

mcmahan@netcom.UUCP (Dave Mc Mahan) (05/25/90)

I think I have fried my CIA-B chip (8520A-1, made by MOS, as written on the
chip).  I think so because my serial port handshake lines seem to be acting
funny, and the prescaler option on timer B seems to be acting funky.  What
is the current pricing for this chip, and where might I be able to get one
in and around Santa Clara Valley, California?  Will I have to mail off to
C= in Pennsylvania, or do they sell them locally?  What is the C= approved

I assume this is a custom chip made by/for C=, is that true?  What is the
official address at C= for buying this part direct from the factory?

   Thanks for the help,

P.S. - I think I scorched it when I didn't have compatible grounding for
       my amiga and a new circuit I'm developing that plugs into the the
       printer port.  Seems that a floating ground on the computer and a
       true earth ground on a water pipe that my external circuit was
       connected to have a 60 Volt AC potential difference.  I knew about
       this and had a ground strap connecting the two, but it came free
       accidentally and exposed my external circuit and the 8520 to the
       ravages of the ground differential.  My own fault if it is blown up.
       I had old programs that worked correctly one month ago, and now are
       acting screwy.  I think it is time for a new chip.  Next time, I'll
       be more careful, I promise.