[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] 3000/Multisync Problems With Genlock

schur@venera.isi.edu (Sean Schur) (07/03/90)

I got my 3000 last week and cannot get my Progen genlock to work properly with
the machine and 1950 multisync monitor. If I have my Progen plugged in to the
video slot of the 3000 the disply on the multisync goes haywire. It turns dark
grey and flips like mad making the montior completely unreadable. This happens
whether the monitor is plugged in to the output of the genlock (via the VGA to
23 pin adaptor that came with the monitor) or with the monitor plugged directly
in to the VGA output of the computer (while the genlock is still using the 
video out). Strangely enough the output of the genlock itself is fine when 
viewed on a regular composite monitor AND the picture was fine when I plugged
my old Amiga monitor into the 23 pin output from the 3000 through the genlock.
So I suspect the problem is with the multisync monitor. Also, the manual and
everyone I've spoken to says to try flipping the switch on the display
enhancer to disable, but this doesn't change a thing.

Any help or suggestions?


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Sean Schur		       \   \  /      /
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USENET: schur@isi.edu		 \  /a\mpyr/
Compuserve: 70731,1102		  \/   \  / ideo 
Plink: OSS259				\/ 
