[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] WB 2.0 and Janus software -- Incompatible?

consp13@bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu (Marc Cannava) (07/05/90)


	I've just gotten my new A3000 with A2286 BridgeBoard, and have
been having MANY problems with the installation of the "Virtual PC
hard drive"...

	I've created the "fake" drive with the "Makeab" program. I've
created the sys:pc/system/aboot.CTRL file with the proper path. I've
included the line "run >nil: sys:pc/pcdisk" after the binddrivers
command in my startup-sequence.

	Upon booting the PC side, I never get the "Janus version xxx"
messages that are supposed to come up, like thus:

	Janus Handler version x.xx
	Janus Library version xx.x

	Okay. No panic.

	So I boot off the boot master (disk 1 of 3) and try the jlink
command from the A> prompt. I get an "Amiga service not available"
error. This is with WB/KS 2.0. 


	Even stranger, if I try this exact same thing with WB 1.3/KS
1.3, (I've configured my WB1.3 partition with the Janus software and 
the "aboot.ctrl" file), it works perfectly. I get the "Janus
handler.." messages, and jlink/fdisk/format work perfectly.

	HELP! Does this mean that the PCDISK system is incompatible
with Workbench 2.0? This would be a big problem!!

	(I've tried reformatting a partition of my drive for the Old
File System rather than the Fast File System, because the manual says
some problems with DMA occur under FFS. This did not work, either.)

	I believe the problem may be with PCDisk. It doesn't seem to
want to run properly under 2.0, but this is a guess. PLEASE anyone who
knows, help!

			Please email replies - if anyone's interested,
			I'll post results.

			Thanks in advance,

consp13@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu (Marcus Cannava) (07/06/90)


	I've recently found out that the Janus 2.0 software >is<
incompatible with Workbench/Kickstart 2.0. The best advice I
could get thus far is, "Well, just use it under 1.3".

	Commodore is (according to my source) working on a re-

	Question time: 

		1) Is this version actually being written?

		2) Does Commodore actually know that the Janus
		   software fails under WB/KS 2.0?

		3) When will the new version be available, and
		   how do I update? Free? 

	Email/post/whatever, I'd just like to know what's up..



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