[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Color and Tint on 1084S

chaiklin@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Seth Chaiklin) (07/07/90)

I have a 1084S monitor on an Amiga 500.  I have noticed that
the color and tint adjustment knobs on this monitor have
no effect on the display.  I have tried them under a variety
of circumstances (e.g., in Workbench, in various games), but
they do not seem to work.  Should they be working?  Or are
they included for another reason?  I couldn't get any
enlightenment from the manual.  Any advice would be 

Seth Chaiklin         Institute for Learning Technologies
(212) 678-3899        Box 8, Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC 10027
INTERNET:  chaiklin@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu    UUCP:  seth@ny-yn

phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) (07/07/90)

In article <1990Jul7.064455.10507@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> chaiklin@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Seth Chaiklin) writes:
>[My colour and tint knobs on my 1084s don't work]
> Seth
     That's because you're using the RGB hookup and this information is
provided by the computer (sort of. Colour and tint knobs control the levels
of R, G, and B and their ratios, respectively. If you're sending separately
controlled signals - as you are with the RGB analogue hookup - you already
have control over this at the source.) Those knobs are there for users
who are using the 1084 with a composite signal, wherein you don't have
direct machine control over the individual colour levels and, for that
matter, you often have artifacting and colour balance problems that _need_
     (At least, I think they work in that mode. I've never tried it myself,
as I have a separate monitor for the C128...)
                                                     - R'ykandar.

| R'ykandar Korra'ti | Editor: LOW ORBIT Science and Fiction | PLink: Skywise |
| Elfinkind, Unite!  | phoenix@ms.uky.edu  |  phoenix%ms.uky.edu@ukcc.bitnet  |
| "Hi! We're evangelical Hari-Krishna pedophiles for LaRouche! Would you like |
|  to see some of our fine Amway products?" - TRHMS | CIS 72406,370/LOW ORBIT |

dougp@voodoo.ucsb.edu (07/08/90)

In article <1990Jul7.064455.10507@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu>, chaiklin@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Seth Chaiklin) writes...
>I have a 1084S monitor on an Amiga 500.  I have noticed that
>the color and tint adjustment knobs on this monitor have
>no effect on the display.  I have tried them under a variety
> Seth

On my 1080, the color and tint only work for the composit input,
the monitor treats RGB as absolute, and only the brightness and
contrast work for RGB.

Douglas Peale

grr@cbmvax.commodore.com (George Robbins) (07/08/90)

In article <1990Jul7.064455.10507@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> chaiklin@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Seth Chaiklin) writes:
> I have a 1084S monitor on an Amiga 500.  I have noticed that
> the color and tint adjustment knobs on this monitor have
> no effect on the display.

Tint and Color affect the decoding of NTSC composite video and have no effect
on the RGB inputs, which presumably don't need this sort of compensation.

George Robbins - now working for,     uucp:   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing:   domain: grr@cbmvax.commodore.com
Commodore, Engineering Department     phone:  215-431-9349 (only by moonlite)

lshaw@walt.cc.utexas.edu (logan shaw) (07/08/90)

In article <1990Jul7.064455.10507@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu> chaiklin@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Seth Chaiklin) writes:
>I have a 1084S monitor on an Amiga 500.  I have noticed that
>the color and tint adjustment knobs on this monitor have
>no effect on the display.  I have tried them under a variety
>of circumstances (e.g., in Workbench, in various games), but
>they do not seem to work.  Should they be working?  Or are
>they included for another reason?  I couldn't get any
>enlightenment from the manual.  Any advice would be 

My guess is that it's because you're using it in RGB mode, where the
color and hue controls don't make sense.  To adjust the hue, you'd have
the reds, greens, and blues with each other in certain amounts and then
split them up again to get and RGB signal.  In other words, the hue control
doesn't work because the red, green, and blue are separate and that makes
a hue control a pain to implement.  (Also, you probably don't need it
with RGB and it would degrade the signal quality.)

They _DO_ work in Composite (CVBS) mode, though.  Hook your 1084 up to a
composite video source like a VCR and try them out.

> Seth

No problem.

>Seth Chaiklin         Institute for Learning Technologies
>(212) 678-3899        Box 8, Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC 10027
>INTERNET:  chaiklin@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu    UUCP:  seth@ny-yn

"The machine minded material man                    Logan Shaw
 desperately dreams of a brand new sedan.           lshaw@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
 Wlll he expect long lasting gain                   ========================
 from a toy that will race then rust in the rain?" - elim Hall, Things Break