[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] FastTrack controller

tinyguy@quiche (Yeo-Hoon BAE) (07/12/90)

 Hi, I have A2000 with Xetec FastTrack controller and ST157N-0, the
slower one of the two types avaiable(40ms I believe). I intended to buy
a cheap system, and I didn't expect a lighteningly fast performance from
this setup, but after trying out DiskPerf 2.0, I found out that it's
speed is even below of what I expected. Does anyone have this setup and
getting VERY low(~50k/s) Read/Write speed? One strange thing is that I
compared the result against the Commodore's 2091 with same HD, it gave
approx. 5 times the transfer speed(R/W), BUT about the same for
files/directory scans..... What's going on?
Any help would be appreciated...

* Yeo-Hoon Bae                       * Amiga, the Best!    /// *
* tinyguy@calvin.cs.mcgill           * (Any challenges?)  ///  *
* tinyguy@quiche.cs.mcgill           *                \\\///   *
* Yes, I am short..How did you know? *                 \XX/    *