[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Interfacing 68881 to 68000

eddy@duteca (Eddy Olk) (08/15/90)


Since I need more floating-point performance and a A2620/2630 is too
expensive for me, I'm planning to add a 68881 floating-point coprocessor
to the (standard) 68000. However, I don't know how I must interface
the 68881 to the 68000 (e.g. what address), in order to let the math
libraries use the 68881. How do I've to do this?

Thanks, Eddy
 Eddy Olk                         Delft University of Technology 
 EMAIL: eddy@duteca.tudelft.nl    Department of Electrical Engineering
        EDDY@ET.TUDELFT.NL        Section Computer Architecture