[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] serial prot speed?

RIDOUT@ddnvx1.afwl.af.mil (09/10/90)

I know this has been talked about before but I never heard the outcome so here
it goes.
What transfer rate can be expected out of an Amiga 2000 kickstart 1.2 WB 1.3
through the serial port using a telebit pep modem. PEP kermit and compression
enabled.  What I get is not near what the modem is advertised but while running
The machine gets real slow. The mouse pointer doesn't move sometimes.  I figure
what I get is about 2800 bps.  If I changed protocols would it get better?
kermit has so much overhead.  Xmodem maybe, Dnet?  A 7bit path from the
computer to the remote modem is all I have access to.

*  Brian Ridout                     Internet: ridout@ddnvx1.afwl.af.mil    *
*  wl/scev                                                                 *
*  Kirtland AFB NM 87117            My Apple is better than your Orange.   *