[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Perfect Sound 3.0 info?

gcrown@csuchico.edu (Fuzz E. Pickle) (09/20/90)

	I recently bought Perfect Sound 3.0 only to find that information
regarding how to program it was being kept a "secret"!  Has anyone found
out this top-secret information so I may program this hardware I purchased?
Needless to say, I was quite dissapointed in the action Sunrise Ind. decided
to take on their latest upgrade.  Hopefully they will try to rememdy the
situation by providing the information soon.

p.s.  Please E-mail as well as post because I rarely get a chance to 
	read the News myself.  Thanks much!

@                                                                    !
#   Glenn R. Crownover             |   "Let's not talk about bombs   @
$   California State               |     or the brain implulses of   #
%   University, Chico              |                severed limbs"   $
^   --------------------------------------------------------------   %
&                E-mail: gcrown@cscihp.csuchico.edu                  ^