[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] racer help needed

jstearns@hydra.unm.edu (Slix) (09/23/90)

I recently purchased a Midget Racer w/68881 FPU running at 16MHz for
my A500.  The thing works great and I am very happy with it, but there
is one thing that really annoys me:  the clock runs way too fast. 

Setting the system time with 'setclock opt load' will load in the correct
time, but after 10 minutes have past, the computer's clock is
30 minutes ahead!

Is there a way to fix this problem???  I rely on the clock being correct
and it's a real pain to reset the clock every 10 minutes.  I have not
been able to find anything wrong while probing with my scope (of course,
I have no solid ideas as to where to look on the amiga's motherboard ;-)

Thanx for any help!!!

|INTERNET: jstearns@hydra.unm.edu |
|UUCP:     ...!ariel!jstearns     |