(Jun Lee) (09/22/90)
Hi. Last night I was printing on my amiga 2000HD while it was printing my friend accidently tripped over the serial cable and the cable fell out. While this happend, my Ami went dead for some reason. Every time I try to power up only thing that happens is the power indicator light comes on for 1 second and nothing happens. Does anyone know what happened here? Did I blow a PAL chip? Is it the motherboard or the power supply???? And also, What is the length of CBM's warranty period? I bought mine in Jan, 1990. Is it a full year? Any suggestion will be appreciated.
mikep@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Mike Powell) (09/26/90)
You many have lost a CIA chip... there are 2 in your system, and as I recall CIA #2 is incharge of the serial port... if you have more problems after a CIA change, drop me a line (E-Mail) -Mike Powell-