[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Amiga ftp sites list

al158305@mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (Gustavo Cordova Avila) (10/02/90)

   Hi all, I was doing nothing in particular the other day, so I decided
to compile all the ftp sites for amiga I had in my ftp list, so here's 
what came up...

note: All I did was grep the lines that contained 'amiga' in them, and then
	reformat a bit so that all would have the numerical address with
	them. I included the original header so that you'll know where
	the original came from.

ATTENTION: If you have any questions, comments, or anything else feel free  to
mail me, but please read the rest of this header first!

      This is my list of Internet sites accepting anonymous ftp.  It  is  dis-
 tributed automatically once each month.

      If you are sending this on to someone or in any other way providing this
 for  someone  else,  please  leave  this header intact.  Otherwise I get many
 questions which this would have answered.  Feel free to make this list avail-
 able anywhere you like, as we all benefit from a freer flow of information.

      This list is posted to comp.misc, and comp.sources.wanted, on Usenet and
 is  distributed via anonymous FTP from pilot.njin.net ( as well as
 being available from several other FTP sites (see list).  I am also running a
 simple  mail-server from my account on pilot.  For more information about the
 server, mail odin@pilot.njin.net with a subject of "listserv-request"  and  a
 message  body of "send help".  Rather than requesting the latest list from me
 by mail, simply send the request to the listserv.  If you send me  a  request
 for the latest list, I will send you the help file for the listserv.

      I don't have the time to read all these newsgroups so if there  is  any-
 thing  you  want  me  to see, please use email.  There is also a mailing list
 which is being used to distribute the list, and to get feedback  on  any  new
 ideas.  If you wish to be added to the mailing list mail me at pilot.

      Special thanks goes to Edward Vielmetti for all the work he does posting
 new archive information to comp.archives and to David Katinsky, who allows me
 to work on this list from pilot.

      If there are any corrections/updates/etc to be made please  mail  me  at
 odin@pilot.njin.net.   That  also  goes  for descriptions of the archives.  I
 don't have time to personally check each and every site so if you use a  site
 regularly  and can put together a better description, please tell me so I can
 update this list.  This is especially true for sites described  as  "unknown"
 or  with vague descriptions.  Also, if you are providing updates, it is easi-
 est on me if you either state "add/remove <whatever>"  or  simply  supply  me
 with  a complete new description of the site.  This makes it easier for me to
 make the changes without any errors, especially in the case of archives being
 moved to different sites.

      The last line for each site contains the date of last modification,  and
 the  login  and  password in the form <login>/<password>.  For the sites that
 have "odin@pilot.njin.net" for the password, substitute your own mail address
 (user@host.domain).   It  is  suggested that you use your mail address as the
 password wherever possible, even if it  isn't  required  to  let  sites  keep
 better  track  of  who is using their site.  For those people who dislike the
 date or the login and password there, grep it out  yourself.   If  you  can't
 stand the format the list is in, the raw database is available from pilot and
 you can write your own format program.

         Jon Granrose
         July 20, 1990
 REMINDER: Anonymous FTP is a privilege, not a right.  The site administrators
 for the sites listed below have made their systems available out of the good-
 ness  of  their hearts.  Please respect their wishes and restrict your FTPing
 to non-prime hours (1900 - 0600 hours local time  for  the  site).   This  is
 especially true for sites not in your country.  Please keep that in mind when
 you are FTPing.  None of us want to see sites start to close down  because  a
 few are being inconsiderate.
a.cs.uiuc.edu              amiga, GNUmake, GNU
acad3.fai.alaska.edu       amiga, apple, atari,
bach.berkeley.edu           amiga (ray-tracing)
cs.utah.edu                 amiga, forth
faui45.informatik.uni-erlangen.de    NeWS X11 amiga atari faces
funet.fi                     amiga (many fish disks)
gtss.gatech.edu               amiga rexx stuff
iesd.auc.dk                 amiga mac msdos
ix1.cc.utexas.edu            amiga
ix2.cc.utexas.edu            amiga
j.cc.purdue.edu |     comp.[sources|binaries].amiga
jyu.fi                       amiga, unix, atari, mac
louie.udel.edu |    MH, amiga
mazama.stanford.edu            amiga neptune
mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu      amiga
mtsg.ubc.ca                amiga, msdos, unix, os2
nic.funet.fi               amiga, mac, atari
pc.usl.edu                   pbmplus for amiga
plains.nodak.edu          amiga, apple, msdos, mac
rusmv1.rus.uni-stuttgart.de     amiga, RFCs, X11, atari
sauna.hut.fi             amiga, GNU, unix, athena
stolaf.edu                  amiga, news, anime, bitmaps
titan.rice.edu               amiga ispell, sun-spots
tolsun.oulu.fi               amiga, atari, c64, msdos,
topaz.rutgers.edu            amiga, others, too much to
vaxb.acs.unt.edu             msdos, amiga, midi, network
wuarchive.wustl.edu        comp.[sources|binaries].amiga