[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Wierd hardware fault

ins425v@monu4.cc.monash.edu.au (mr t.h. mackenzie) (11/01/90)

My Amiga (Amy) (A500 REV6) has been doing a few wierd things lately.
First the drives behaved strangely (Occasionally they reread the bootblock 
etc as if they had been changed when no change had occurred). Xoper claimed
that 4 trackdisk.device's were running (With 2 drives connected). On booting
the computer would behave as if a disk was if drive 0 when there wasn't 
and vice-versa. This was errattic at first but now.... Occasionally booting 
gets to light grey, sometimes to white, sometimes to disk hand, sometimes 
the stepping motor is driven randomly (This is really wierd :-\).

Has anyone seen this before, or have any ideas as to what is causing it.
I have swapped the CIA'a, a spare AGNUS, a spare drive and reseated every
chip in sight... no change.

Thanks in advance.
Tim MacKenzie
#include "who_needs_a_signature_anyway.h"