[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Dying Amigas?

faheyr@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Bob Fahey <NECR0SIS>) (11/07/90)

Hi there.

I was wondering if any netters out there could tell me what is going on with my
A500.... :(

About 4 months ago, lightning decided to do a little harm to my Ami. It kinda
knocked out the entire motherboard. (ouch) Anyways, Commodore FINALLY sent me
the new board (gee, and only after 2 months of waiting for it!). But, it IS
nice to boot in pal and such... I am not sure if the board is going bad though.

Here's one thing that I just noticed tonight: It seems that whenever I
run anything out of the ram drive, (actually rram), my powerlight dims, as if
to say it doesn't have enough juice to run on. Then, in the middle of a program
that I was working on, the computer trashed the screen, and went yellow. (what
does yellow screen mean again?) Luckily, when I re-booted, all was "well", at
least I THINK it is.

Is my new Amiga motherboard dying? Or, do you think it is the power supply that
is failing? 

If it is the power supply, would it be better to get a replacement, or would I
be better off doing the IBM power supply hack?

	ANY advice would be greatly appreciated.

						Bob Fahey

|      ///| a.k.a. NECR0SIS     faheyr@silver.ucs.indiana.edu  -or-          |
|  \\\///_|                     faheyr@rose.ucs.indiana.edu                  |
|   \XX/  |  M  I  G  A      "'Ere long done do does did..."  - The Smiths   |
|             "...life is seen through the eyes of a dog..."  - Skinny Puppy |