(Geoffrey M. Depew) (12/12/90)
Hello..... I'm considering buying an Amiga, but would like to hook up my current monitor, a Multisync 2A, to it rather than buy a new one. Now, someone else asked this question recently, and was responded to in a rather technical manner. (Things about ASYNC, HSYNC, CSYNC, VSYNC, Kitchen sink, whatever.) AS a TOTAL NOVICE, can someone please give me a simple answer as to how difficult it is to get a cable to connect an NEC Multisync 2A monitor to an Amiga 2x00? Thank you. ---------------------------------------- Geoffrey M. Depew "Death an I are old enemies. We avoid each other. Granted, I'm better at it...." -Sorcerer, field commander, Laguz Othalha Raidho