[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] A Small Battery Back Store

ifarqhar@sunc.mqcc.mq.oz.au (Ian Farquhar) (01/04/91)

Just a small suggestion for future Amiga hardware revisions.

Would it be possible to provide a small CMOS RAM storage area (around
8K) battery backed up so that it survives power-down.  This RAM should
*not* be part of the CPU's addressing space, but accessed indirectly
(for obvious reasons).  This hardware should not be a problem, as 8K
CMOS SRAMS are not expensive, and the clock battery is already there.

The reason I suggest such an addition is that it would make an excellent
place to store small setup and environment variables that must survive
powerdown (eg. do not boot from df0:, RSA encrypted passwords if
security is ever implemented under AmigaOS).  As the memory is not
directly addressable, and that any code stored there must be
bootstrapped by external code, this does not impose a virus risk.

Ian Farquhar                      Phone : 61 2 805-9400
Office of Computing Services      Fax   : 61 2 805-7433
Macquarie University  NSW  2109   Also  : 61 2 805-7420
Australia                         EMail : ifarqhar@suna.mqcc.mq.oz.au