[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Amiga Display Resolution Modes.

taab5@ccvax.iastate.edu (Marc Barrett) (01/14/91)

In Message <1419@tardis.Tymnet.COM> <jms@Tardis.Tymnet.COM> writes:

>>Question: What display modes does the Amiga have?
>Answer: Lots.

I took the table given in the original message, and altered it to make
it a little more sensible.

The following table is a list of the resolution modes possible with a
'normal' Amiga (without the Enhanced Chip Set).  The 'NTSC' and 'PAL'
categories indicates the resolutions possible in NTSC and PAL.  
The 'BitPlns' category indicates the maximum number of bitplanes possible
in each resolution mode.  To find the maximum number of colors, take
2^(Max. Bitplanes)

Mode (Normal Denise)       NTSC       PAL      BitPlns  Palette
------------------------ --------   --------   -------  -------
Lores                    320x200    320x256      6       4096**
Lores-Interlaced         320x400    320x512      6       4096*,**
Hires                    640x200    640x256      4       4096
Hires-Interlaced         640x400    640x512      4       4096*

The Super Denise (in the ECS) has all of the resolutions in the previous
table, plus the added resolutions in the following table.  Note that this
is a very incomplete table, as literally hundreds of resolutions are
possible by fiddling with the programmable scan rates of the Super Denise.

Mode (ECS Super Denise)    NTSC       PAL      BitPlns  Palette
------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  -------
Super-Hires               1280x200   1280x256    2        64
Super-Hires-Interlaced    1280x400   1280x512    2        64
VGA-ExtraLores            160x480    same        6       4096**
VGA-ExtraLores-Interlcd   160x960    same        6       4096**
VGA-Lores                 320x480    same        4       4096
VGA-Lores-Interlaced      320x960    same        4       4096
Productivity              640x480    same        2        64
Productivity-Interlaced   640x960    same        2        64
A2024                     1008x800   1008x1024   2        16***

   All of the Amiga's resolution modes can be extended somewhat by use of
   overscan, with some extendable to a greater extent than others.  The
   non-ECS resolutions can typically be extended by about 17% by the use
   of overscan, while the added ECS resolutions can only be extended by
   about 5% by the use of overscan.

*  The Display Enhancer in the Amiga 3000 (and the Display Enhancer Board
   for the Amiga 2000) will de-interlace all of the interlaced resolution
   modes of the first table, as well as any interlaced-and-overscanned
   resolution modes. It will not, however, de-interlace any of added ECS
   resolution modes.

** The Lores and Lores-Interlaced modes can display 64 or 4096 colors
   (out of al palette of 4096) the Extra-HalfBrite (EHB) and Hold-And-
   Modify (HAM) resolution modes.  Both of these use 6 BitPlanes.
   (I believe that the VGA-ExtraLores and VGA-ExtraLores-Interlaced are
   also capable of EHB and HAM modes, but am not certain about this)
   The 2nd 32 colors of EHB mode are restricted.  They are the same as the
   first 32 colors with the red, green, and blue values reduced to one half.
   HAM mode (Hold And Modify mode) allows all 4096 colors to be displayed,
   but has restrictions affecting adjacent pixels of differing colors.

*** The Commodore A2024 monitor is a gray-scale monitor.  In the maximum
   resolutions given in the table, it displays a maximum of 4 shades of
   gray out of a palette of 16 shades of gray.  This monitor requires the
   ECS, and so is listed with the ECS resolution modes.

   To answer a question from Dennis_Grant@CMR001.BITNET in message
<910112.21331533.053294@CMR.CP6> about the resolution modes possible
with an A2000 with the ECS, with the A2432 Display Enhancer Board,
and with both:
   An A2000 with the ECS can display all of the resolution modes given
in both tables, including both the NTSC and PAL resolution modes.
   An A2000 with the A2432 but without the ECS can only display the
resolution modes in the first table.  In addition, it can display
these resolutions in either NTSC or PAL, but not both.  With the
A2432 active, all of these resolution modes are non-interlaced.
   An A2000 with both the ECS and the A2432 can display all of the
resolution modes given in both tables.  In addition, with the A2432
active, all of the resolution modes in the first table are
non-interlaced, in both PAL and NTSC.  However, the A2432 will not
de-interlace any of the ECS resolution modes in the second table
(as I said in the first set of notes), so with the A2432 active all
of the interlaced resolutions in the second table will still flicker.
