[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] BaseBoard software installation...

graham@venus.iucf.indiana.edu (JIM GRAHAM) (01/15/91)

I recently installed a BaseBoard in my A500.  It all works perfectly,
however, I have a couple of questions concerning the software.

1.) The documentation mentions nothing about fastmemfirst.
    Do I still need to use this program in my startup-sequence?

2.) The docs say to put cRam just before the "loadwb delay" line
    in the startup-sequence.

    a.) Why at this particular point?
    b.) What if I'm not using workbench at all.  Where should it
        go, then?

Thanks for any help,

-> ->Disclaimer: I'm not ashamed of what I say. <- <-
     Sorry if the above disclaimer is too long.
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