[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Can A IBM clone drive


I went to local amiga dealer this afternoon.  He told me that amiga drive can
read MS-DOS disk with proper software.  Is this implies that one can use IBM
clone floppy drive to substitute a amiga drive?  Currently amiga drive cost
about twice as expensive as a clone drive, while amiga drive has small capacity
Is there some one has done this?  Do you need to modify the connector etc?


hgm@ccvr1.ncsu.edu (Hal G. Meeks) (02/01/91)

Considering the recent rash of inquiries about replacement drives for the
amiga, I decided to repost this instead of emailing everyone. 

I haven't tried this particular drive yet, but since df0: in my 2000 is a
chinon drive, I suspect it will work. Doing a quick check in the latest
Computer Shopper, I found that Midwest Micro-Peripherals is selling this
drive for $57.00.         


>        No, not all IBM 3.5" drives will work. The stock A500 uses a Chinon
>drive. Mine was replace with a Panasonic no problem. I hear the Toshiba drives
>have been made to work and a simple circuit will allow you to use most any
>3.5" drive.

According to the information I have received, the drives used in the A500 and
the A2000 is the Chinon FZ354.  I just recently decided to replace the
external and internal drives in my A1000 (because of an ongoing problem
with dying floppy disks) and purchased a Chinon FZ354 through mail order
(actually it was the FZ354I which is the FZ354 with a 5 1/4" bracket - I
removed the bracket).  It seems to work just fine.  However, I had to
cut a hole in the face plate of my A1000 to get it to fit.  I just
did this over the weekend so we'll see if this solves my dying floppy
disk problem.

Carl D. Blake                      | My opinions are my own.  I do not
blakec%tuva.sainet@ccc.nmfecc.gov  | represent SAIC in any way.
Science Applications International |
Tucson, AZ  85711-3796

--------------end of repost-----------


hgm@ccvr1.cc.ncsu.edu	"..now that Mac way of doing things has taken hold, 
netoprhm@ncsuvm.bitnet   will we ever be able to get rid of it?" 
		         Alan McKay  "User Interface, A personal view" 

DXB132@psuvm.psu.edu (02/02/91)

>read MS-DOS disk with proper software.  Is this implies that one can use IBM
>clone floppy drive to substitute a amiga drive?  Currently amiga drive cost
>about twice as expensive as a clone drive, while amiga drive has small

The drives are basically the same. The only problem is that documentation is
usually hard (i.e. impossible) to obtain, so you don't know which jumper to
switch to enable stuff like disk change. If you can get decent documentation
then almost any drive is a safe purchase. (Which implies that most drives are
not a safe purchase).

-- Dan Babcock