[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Copper bug

an353@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Adam Benjamin) (02/02/91)

I was goofing around with a PD game called DRIP the other day and
realized that unless I had my screen postion set all the way to
the right (or one or two away from the right) the last sprite in the 
game was garbled (or gone!) I remember hearing about this "kink" in 
the way the sprite data was upgraded every screen update, or something
like that, anyway, to get to my question:
How bad is this problem? (can it be made worse by other programs? I have
a xt hard drive running (PCif if you are familar with it) could that
be making the problem worse?)
Realizing I have an older 500, has this been fixed with the new ECS?
I was wondering if there was any way I could make the problem less
"effective"? (so maybe I only have to set my screen alittle to the right
Thanks for the info
  \X/  Adam B

    //                           | "Keyboard not responding
  \X/ an353@Cleveland.freenet.EDU|  press ESC to continue"
 Yes, another AMIGA fanatic      | ^PC logic in action ^^