[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Grounding PALS in an OLD 1000

bob@NCoast.ORG (Bob Allison) (02/10/91)

   I am experiencing a "herring-bone" pattern on my screen. I suspect
it's the ungrounded PALs in my ancient A-1000. My machine is one of
the models with NO extra-halfbrite chip, so it's old.

  Could somebody please E-Mail me the docs on how to ground my PALs?

Thanks in advance.
 -=> Bob  Allison <=-  |  O   O   O_     _      ___ ....   |    //The
                       | ||| /|\  /\   O/\_     /        O |   //Amiga
-=: bob@ncoast.org :=- |  l  | |   |\    / \   /\          | \\/RULES!!
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