[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Help with ideas on interfacing with Amiga

greg@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Greg Harp) (02/10/91)

I have a project I'm working on where I want to sample a TTL-level signal
and convert it to binary numbers for storage.  I would then need to be able
to output a similar signal.  

I basically need some recommendations on the best wat to do this.  I only
need a 1-bit input and output (I can use the same line since I will only
be doing one at a time).  Can I make the fire button pin of port 1 into
an output?  I remember being able to specify specific lines on my C64's
I/O port (run by the 6526) as inputs or outputs by setting a register.
I'd prefer to use the joystick port since I don't want to have to switch
the printer or modem in or out.

The data I need to be able to transmit and recieve is at about 2kHz or
less, so I expect to be sampling at around 10-20kHz since the length of each
pulse is important.  This may require me to directly access the hardware
(something I personally dislike in programming) so I was wondering if 
there was an OS-friendly way to do this.  

Also, I could use some suggestions on the best way to time the sampling.
Don't some audio samplers use Paula for timing?

I really haven't done much Amiga-specific programming except for intuition
and graphics dallying, so I could use some help.  Oh yeah, before you 
recommend buying the Hardware Reference Manual, I already have plans to do


"I don't know what it is I like about you, but I like it a lot." --
                                         Led Zeppelin, Communication Breakdown