(Jeff Rizzo) (02/12/91)
Well, I've decided for sure that I'm going to do it... move my A500 motherboard and other goodies into a PC-type case. However, I don't really know much about the cases available. A few questions: 1) Has anyone out there actually done this? I'd like experiences, descriptions of your setup, horror stories, whatever. What size/type/brand/whatever case did you use? 2) What are the size or mounting hardware differences between the different PC-type cases available. All the model-specific names don't mean a whole lot to me. ("AT","XT","baby-AT", etc.) What would YOU recommend? 3) How much should I expect to pay for a case new/used whatever, preferably with a power supply. I think I can interface the power supply myself, as that's more or less in my line. 4) Got a case/power supply you want to sell me? :-) Thanks muchly, jeff -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Rizzo INTERNET: OR phyq8jc@BUACCA.BITNET Boston University BIX: jrizzo CLA '91 ping! (617)566-0693