[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Need help with IBM/Amiga hard drive interfacing

lkelly@dtoa1.dt.navy.mil (Kelly) (02/12/91)

Okay, got a question for any hardware-hackers.  I've recently been
able to obtain (at an extreme discount $20) an OLD Syquest removable
drive (I think it is 5 meg / cart.), and would like to just play around
with it (I know, access time and storage suck, but just for fun).  I
found out that the drive was used with an IBM, and apparently requires
the ST-506 interface.  Wanted to know if there had been any hardware-hacks
available for an A-500 to ST-506, or even some commercial solutions.

			Thanx for the help,

			Larry Kelly (lkelly@dtoa1.dt.navy.mil)
[   /\\                                           Larry Kelly              ]
[  /--\\                                   osrad: KELOSR1                  ]
[ /    \\// miga...The ONLY Computer  - Internet: lkelly@dtoa1.dt.navy.mil ]