[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] CIA A timer...

dlnghrst@telstr.UUCP (David Langhorst) (02/25/91)

...Alot of people over on c.s.amiga.audio are concerned with the fact that the
CIA A timer was taken out of the A3000. Most muzik software relies on the CIA
A for it's timing....they are mostly interested in how to cope w/o it, but I
was wondering why it got left out in the first place...why?

Ivan D Terrible - sharkey.cc.umich.edu!wybbs!telstr!dlnghrst - David Langhorst

riley@theory.tn.cornell.edu (Daniel S. Riley) (03/01/91)

In article <dlnghrst.0181@telstr.UUCP> dlnghrst@telstr.UUCP (David Langhorst) writes:
>...Alot of people over on c.s.amiga.audio are concerned with the fact that the
>CIA A timer was taken out of the A3000. Most muzik software relies on the CIA
>A for it's timing....they are mostly interested in how to cope w/o it, but I
>was wondering why it got left out in the first place...why?

The hardware is still there.  However, the CIA A timer has *always*
been reserved to the operating system.  Under 1.x, it wasn't correctly
allocated by the operating system, so it appeared to be free when it
wasn't really.  This was a bug, which is fixed in 2.x.  To make
matters worse, there was a lot of confusion in the early editions of
the hardware reference manual over which timers were allocated for
what.  This was all sorted out a while back, but not before a number
of music programs used the wrong hardware timer.

-Dan Riley (riley@theory.tn.cornell.edu, cornell!batcomputer!riley)
-Wilson Lab, Cornell University

-Dan Riley (riley@theory.tn.cornell.edu, cornell!batcomputer!riley)
-Wilson Lab, Cornell University