[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] CPU speed on the A3000 25Mhz

vrr@cbnewsj.att.com (veenu.r.rashid) (03/03/91)

I have been using SysInfo to get figures for the
cpu speed on my A3000 25Mhz cpu.  the figures I
get are as follows:

A500			1.97
B2000 extra RAM		1.5
B2000 GVP A3001		0.18
A2500 A2620		0.57
A3000 25 Mhz		0.25
IBM PC/XT		6.42
ChipRam vs A3000	0.22

68030 cpu speed		15.62 Mhz   ??!?

The number for cpu speed only shows ~16Mhz.  Isn't
this a 25Mhz cpu?  Also, all the figures above seem
low.  This may be because the system shows 1 meg of
chip ram free vs only 120k of fast ram.  (This is on
a 2 meg A3000).  HOwever, when the workbench first starts
up, I get a figure of approx 990k chip ram free, which
makes sense since the system uses fast ram first.
*But* I get a figure of 100k fast ram free!!?!

What's the deal here?  The kickstart takes up 512k of
memory, and my own system *does not* take up another
512k.  I do not have a recoverable ram disk.  So,
where's the rest of the RAM?

Now, is the cpu speed low because it is using chip ram
for testing?  Where does the 1 meg fast ram go??

Please email any answers, or post.

Thanks very much,
