[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Quantum continuous-seek

Ed_Meyer@mindlink.UUCP (Ed Meyer) (03/04/91)

> mwilkins@p3.f55.n282.z1.mmug.edgar.mn.org writes:
> Msg-ID: <0.27CEAF6E@mmug.edgar.mn.org>
> Posted: 28 Feb 91 17:21:25 GMT
> Org.  : FidoNet node 1:282/55.3 - Mike's Diner, Blaine MN
> Person: Mike Wilkins
> NJ> A week ago, I posted an article asking about my Quantum 105M hard
> NJ> drive, which at the time was making continuous seeking noises, even
> NJ> when it wasn't accessing data.
> My Quantum 105meg drive did exactly the same thing.  It started doing it
> very seldom, then increased until it would do it for long periods of time.
> It didn't cause any i/o errors, but did slow i/o down quite a bit.
> I sent it in for repair and they replaced the drive under waranty.
> Send it in - quick, for waranty replacement.--- via AmigaXRS v3.00
> --
>                   Mike Wilkins (mwilkins@mmug.edgar.mn.org)
>                UUCP: ...jhereg!tcnet!vware!edgar!mmug!mwilkins
>                    FidoNet: 1:282/55.3 - Mike's Diner BBS
> --

My Quantum 105 has the same problem.  I've "cured" the problem by dumping my
disk to backup and reformatting the 105 from scratch, then I reload the disk.
I've only had to do this twice in roughly 2 years.  Lately the 105 occationally
has the oscillatory-seeking problem but it's not bad enough to reformat.  Mind
you, I shouldn't have had to put up with the problem.  Mind you, again, it's
great "advertising" when friends and associates drop over.