fisher@scotty.DEC (Burns Fisher, MRO3-1/E13, DTN 231-4108.) (08/07/85)
Sorry, I forgot which newsgroup the space pregnancy discussion was going on in, so I am sending this to both. It is short. From the Boston Globe, August 6: FINGER LICKIN' SPACE. Two dozen chicken eggs will be aboard a NASA space shuttle next year because an intern at Kentucky Fried Chicken headquarters in Louisville wants to find out whether chicken embryos can develop under weightless conditions. In a gutsy move the Colonel would have admired, John Vellinger sold NASA on the scheme, so Uncle Sam will pay the bill. "We hope this will give us data about the feasibility of rasising chickens as a food source in space," says intern John Vellinger, who adds mysteriously "and, longer term, whether humans can reproduce in a weightless environment." Burns UUCP: ... {decvax|allegra|ucbvax}!decwrl!rhea!dvinci!fisher ARPA: fisher%dvinci.dec@decwrl.ARPA