monty@sagpd1 (03/05/91)
I would like to solicit comments/problems with adding a A500 hard drive. The recent article in Amiga Whirld compared the CBM, GVP, Supra, and Xetec controllers. Are there any comments on this review/comparison? How does the Trumpcard A500 Professional compare to these? I also remeber a recent thread that stated that the only reason that the CBM box is slow is the drive they ship with it. Any conformation or contridiction to this? What probelms are present when using any of the above with an A1000? ( facing backwards is not a problem), Lucas Conflict, other expansion conflict, boot problems?. The reason for this is, after limping along with a two drive A1000 since 1986, I can finally get a harddrive (plus 2 Meg of memory). I am leaning towards the Supra presently but reason will overule other factors. I also want to stay SCSI so the wedge and other such types are not being considered at this point. I will also hack in 1.3 proms as part of this. The daughter board will be history also (too noisey). Please e-mail response and I will post results. Remember e-mail, this is not to start a new thread, but to gather inforamtion ASAP. Thanks, Monty L. Saine