[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] help-serial terminal

mmblom@cs.vu.nl (Marc Blom) (03/09/91)

I have some questions about connecting a serial terminal to the amiga, I have
a Ampex D150 terminal which seems to be working perfectly but i can't get it
to communicate with the Amiga.
1. How should the terminal be wired to the amiga ? (the terminal has a RS232C
   port. I tried every connection that seemed logical to me, eg pin 2 to 3,
   pin 3 to 2, pin 7 to 7; Also i tried to use DSR/DTR, RTS/CTS, but it didn't
   work. :-(   )
2. What kind of handshaking should I use ? XON/XOFF ? RTS/CTS ? none ?
3. What is the best baudrate to use ? (The terminal supports 16 speeds up to
   19.200 bps)
4. What can one do with debug() (and loadwb -debug) ? Does it just print the
   pc and registers on the terminal or does it allow some primitive peeking
   in memory ?
5. What other programs beside loadwb -debug are there to allow debugging/
   monitoring from a terminal ?
6. Are there any real (read: NOT ed or edit) editors one can use on the
   terminal, eg will stevie, elvis etc. work ?
Please help, i REALLY want to have this thing working !
| Marc Blom, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands.      | Email : mmblom@cs.vu.nl |