s8607176@giaea.gi.oz (robert glucz) (03/12/91)
Hi All! This is my first posting, so bear with me if the text looks funny. I have a B2000 with a 2090 controller with a Seagate ST125 st506 20M hard disk attached. The problem is that the drive intermittently won't boot with a warm start - no access led goes on and I eventually get a Guru (x4.x or xb.x). If I power off and on again, everything comes up ok. This is a real pain! It got to the stage where I had to disable the autoboot function of the controller and go back to floppy bootup. (HINT: To those wanting to disable autoboot, merely remove the two eproms labelled HI and LO. ) Does anyone have the answer as to why this happens? Is it Seagate strikes again, as most of the news entries seem to suggest? Regards, Rob Glucz. ***Sorry, no time to create a jazzy message!***