oliver@fulmin.zer.sub.org (03/18/91)
In der Nachricht vom 15.03.91 schrieb KENT%SWRINDE.NDE.SWRI.EDU@BUCHONIA.ZER:
#In article <4906@ns-mx.uiowa.edu> mtpins@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Firestar) writes:
#>From article <1894@swrinde.nde.swri.edu>, by kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu (Kent D. Polk):
#>> On one machine, NoClick stops whichever drive is in DF0: but not the
#>> one in DF1: (I swapped them :^)
#>Are you invoking NoClick for each drive independently?
#>You need to specify each drive by number in the command line.
#You bet I did. However I currently only specify it for the drives
#(df0:) that do cease to click when it is invoked. Just to test, I did
#leave it invoked for the 2010 in DF1: for a couple of months, with no
#ill effects that I can see, as that same drive still works & ceases to
#click when connected as DF0:.
#Kent Polk: Southwest Research Institute (512) 522-2882
#Internet : kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu
#UUCP : $ {cs.utexas.edu, gatech!petro, sun!texsun}!swrinde!kent
mmmh, try NoClick I'll send to this board
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