[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Quantum 105 + A3000

spworley@athena.mit.edu (Spaceman Spiff) (03/09/91)

I just bought and installed a new Quantum 105 ProDrive on my system. 
It works fine. However, using HDToolbox, the drive only formatted to 
100 MB, not 105MB. Is the Quantum 105 really a 100 meg drive, or did
HDToolbox underestimate? If it is wrong, can someone send me the # of
cylinders, heads, etc from the mountlist [or HDToolbox] so I can reformat
the drive correctly? Thanks.


PS- The thing flies! I love it already.

Steve Worley                                           spworley@athena.mit.edu

jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com (Randell Jesup) (03/19/91)

In article <1991Mar8.185521.10534@athena.mit.edu> spworley@athena.mit.edu (Spaceman Spiff) writes:
>I just bought and installed a new Quantum 105 ProDrive on my system. 
>It works fine. However, using HDToolbox, the drive only formatted to 
>100 MB, not 105MB. Is the Quantum 105 really a 100 meg drive, or did
>HDToolbox underestimate? If it is wrong, can someone send me the # of
>cylinders, heads, etc from the mountlist [or HDToolbox] so I can reformat
>the drive correctly? Thanks.

	HDToolBox is correct (or very close to).  Note that 105M is M=million,
not M=meg (1024*1024).  A fairly common thing in drive companies.  At least
they list it in formatted size: some manufacturers are renowned for using
unformatted figures, or include spare blocks/cylinders.

	1027704K (100Meg) = 105,168,896 bytes.

Randell Jesup, Keeper of AmigaDos, Commodore Engineering.
{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!jesup, jesup@cbmvax.commodore.com  BIX: rjesup  
The compiler runs
Like a swift-flowing river
I wait in silence.  (From "The Zen of Programming")  ;-)