[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] External A2000 drive

pzajax@sunb.mqcc.mq.oz.au (Peter Zajax) (03/19/91)

I have recently worked on a A2000 and an Acudat external 3.5" drive

Now this problem has been ever since my friend bought this drive.
(well he did nto buy it h  got it for a job he did for someone.

Anyway the simtoms are that when you boot the Amiga with any workbench
it complains that please put that volume in df0:
and won't boot at all.

Now if you put a disk in the external drive (the Acudat one) it will
boot normally and there is NO problems any more.
The external drive is df2:
df0: and df1: are both internal.
The only other configuration is extra memory and thats it.

Can someone with this harware problem enlighten me to the cause?
I Have tried varios dips switches on the drive but no luck.
BTW, the Acudat works fine on my A500 as an external.

Thanks in advance for any help


                                 - pzajax@suna