[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Help choosing hard drive & controller for A2000

hamlin@ral.rpi.edu (Gregory Hamlin) (03/21/91)

I am planning to buy a hard drive and controller for my A2000 and would 
appreciate any advice.  My situation is as follows:
   Cash Available: 
      2 internal floppys
      1 meg ram
      1.2 rom

Looking through Amiga World I have found the setups such as the 
   Creative Computers      SUPRA WORDSYNC 40Q ..... $409+shipping
   The Software Shop, inc  Quantum 50mg w/wordsync  $429+$6shipping
          "                Quantum 50mg w/ICD Adv.  $429+$6shipping
Could some kind soul help me decode all of the super-abbreviated information
in these mail order ads (Quantum, seagate, GVP, series II, pro, 42Q, 42F, 
Trumpcard, wordsync, ICD, IDE, etc.)?  What does all this mean? 
What companies should I prefer/avoid?  Do I need more RAM (my budget is
extremely tight).  Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated 
(although not necessarily monetarily rewarded).

Greg Hamlin