[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] 1.2 ROMS and 1 MEG Agnus?

bard@jessica.stanford.edu (David Hopper) (03/23/91)

A couple easy questions:

	1)  Do you need >= 1.3 ROMS to do the 1 MEG Agnus mod?

	2)  Where can I find that list of what each color means upon

My attempt to bring a rev 5.0 motherboard up to 1 meg chip has resulted
in a flashing LED and a green screen.  Please don't tell me I messed up,
because I can't find anything wrong with my trace cuts or soldering job.

I'm still waiting on my 1.3 ROM.  Could this be the problem?  

Thanks in advance,
Dave Hopper      |     /// Anthro Creep  | Academic Info Resources, Stanford
                 |__  ///     .   .      | Macincrap/UNIX Consultant
bard@jessica.    |\\\///     Ia! Ia!     | -- Just remember: love is life, and
   Stanford.EDU  | \XX/  Shub-Niggurath! | hate is living death. :Black Sabbath