[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Request A3000 Glitch Reports

jburnes@swbatl.sbc.com (Jim Burnes - 235-0709) (03/22/91)


Has anyone noticed any hard drive errors on new A3000's.  We've been 
getting CRC erros on our Quantum hard drives.  Whats really wierd is
that after running continous overnight diagnostics on the system, the
errors won't occurr.  After bringing this machine (and were not the
only one in St. Louis that has this problem) ...after bringing it to
our dealer MULTIPLE TIMES and having every major system componenet
swapped out the errors keep occurring.  Sometimes they occurr when
running the 2.0 version of DPAINT III.  Sometimes we can't even predict
a crash.  I'm beginning to think this is a engineering design problem.
Some sort of strange bus activity/noise problem that causes the machine
to fail.

My Commodore dealer is stumped because everyone he calls at Commodore
says that they havent heard a thing about this.  I think they are 
lying.  More than one of his customers has had the same exact problem
If Commodore won't admit to it, I'm forced to take an informal survey.

PROBLEMS, PLEASE SEND ME EMAIL...don't do a followup.  If I get enough
of a response maybe CBM will own up to it and at least start addressing 
the issue.

I know CBM tech support and devl people listen to this feed.  Maybe they
could help us a bit.

Thanx in advance for your support,

Jim Burnes

Jim Burnes - System Engineer              !Its the Man in the Whitehouse
SouthWestern Bell Advanced Technology Labs!The Man under the steeple
Internet: jburnes@swbatl.swbell.com       !Handin out Drugs to the 

sschaem@starnet.uucp (Stephan Schaem) (03/23/91)

 I have already posted a problem similar to yours, that's a QC
 problem.Those problem are the one that dont ocure and are not
 that visible and didn't go trought intensive test.

 To get your problem to show (if it come from the dma transfere from
 the SCSI).
 do a CMP with LARGE file, with data patterners.Like big images, 8bit
 sound, ect...

 I had to go to the store and show the problem since they didn't want
 to beleive that it was the problem.
 Again I will repeat that AGAIN, everyone should to the test

 Since This will not apear, and someday the computer will crash will
 you are loading an aplication (thinking its a software bug of some
 sort) or trash your file etc....

 It's only after month that the problem was discover.And let the test
 run a long time with file over 500K!

 The warning because if you dont see that problem even DOS2.0 wont tell
 you when you write the corupted data.

rrmorris@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu (Rodney Raym Morrison) (03/24/91)

What's a QC problem? I just bought an A3000 and need to know more
about this problem.