[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] A590 Speed

emwessel@praxis.cs.ruu.nl (Eric van Wessel) (10/03/90)

Hello folks,

I recently bought an A590 hard disk and installed it.
The "problem" is that the transfer rate is only about 
100 kb/s (according to diskperfa)
Does anybody know how to improve this speed ?

B.t.w. : Configuration A500, KS1.2, WB1.3, ARP1.3, 1 Mb

Thanks, Eric

breemen@rulcvx.LeidenUniv.nl (E. van Breemen) (03/26/91)


I have a A590 harddisk for almost a year now. I am quit happy with it,
when I compare it with floppies. It is only a little slow (150 Kb/s). 
It is still using the original drive (a 20MB WD 65ms). But that alone 
is not the reason for this low speed. A friend of mine has rewritten 
the software for his OMTI-controlled harddisk and doubled (!) the 
read-speed from 160 Kb/s to 340 Kb/s. I wonder if someone has also
rewritten his A590 software or is the slow speed due to the controller-
hardware. The SCSI-controller is capable of 600 Kb/s. How is the XT-
controller connected to the Amiga: i.e. what makes it so slow compared
to other cheap harddisks?

thanks in advance,

Erwin van Breemen

blgardne@javelin.es.com (Blaine Gardner) (03/27/91)

breemen@rulcvx.LeidenUniv.nl (E. van Breemen) writes:
>I have a A590 harddisk for almost a year now. I am quit happy with it,
[But it's very slow.]

The reason the A590 is slow is the hard drive supplied with it is very
slow. If you hook any fast drive to it (say a Quantum or a Wren), you'll
get speeds in the 800-900KB/sec range. I've seen a Wren III hit around
850-950KB/sec when attached to an A590, about the same speed as the
Hardframe controller for the A2000.
Blaine Gardner @ Evans & Sutherland  580 Arapeen Drive, SLC, Utah 84108
blgardne@javelin.sim.es.com     or    ...dsd.es.com!javelin!blgardne
DoD #0046   My other motorcycle is a Quadracer.         BIX: blaine_g
                        289 miles to go....