[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] SyQuest 44MB removable Cartrige drive

dave@unislc.uucp (Dave Martin) (03/29/91)

Could someone give me information or opinions on the SyQuest
removable drives?  Are they "real" harddrives?  (as in to the heads "float"
above the disk, or are they in physical contact with the disk?)  What
is the life expectancy of the drive and the cartridges?  Can they be left
running for a long time (weeks-months) without problems, especially if
they aren't accessed very often?  What is the stiction problem that I've
seen mentioned with other drives, and do the SyQuests suffer from it?

My intention is to use this drive with my A3000 and an EPS sampler,
prefereably hooked up to both simotaneously,  Also, when not using it
with the EPS, I intend to treat it just like a hard drive for my amiga,
which I tend to leave running.  I tried one out on a loaner basis and
tried formatting two partitions simotaneously.  It made a terrible
sounding screaching noise (hence the question about the heads floating)
but seemed to work ok.  A friend speculated that this was just normal
seek noise (as can be heard from the Quantum in the 3000) but louder
since it was not sealed inside a steel container like a normal hard drive.

Are the cartriges very durable?  Do they need to be treated like a new
born baby or can they be as abused as badly as 3 1/2 in. floppies and
still work?  (I try for the new born baby approach, but accidents

As an aside, I could only get diskchange stuff to work if the
drive only had one partition, otherwise I got "you MUST replace ..."
requesters.  (I had one of the partitions formatted Old FS at this time and
didnt really experiment extensively).

Thanks in Advance.

VAX Headroom	Speaking for myself only... blah blah blahblah blah...
Internet: DMARTIN@CC.WEBER.EDU                 dave@saltlcy-unisys.army.mil
uucp:     dave@unislc.uucp or use the Path: line.
Now was that civilized?  No, clearly not.  Fun, but in no sense civilized.