[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Xetec CD-ROM

x91scott@techno.nepean.uws.EDU.AU (Scott Golby) (04/01/91)

    Hi everyone,  thanks for comming in and taking a read,  well
my question is are the Xetec CD-ROMs as advertised in Amiga World
and other suppiers ads, writeable?   I don't but Amiga World so
I haven't been able to study the mentioned ads.  I though I saw and
have also read that they were writable.  Does anyone know?
If so are they full read/write or are they a type of WORM drive?
Does anyone have one of these?  or know some one with one?
   Personally,  If they were writable (Even WORM) they would be 
remarkable!   650Meg of Storage, 70ms access (as I believe) seems
too good to be true!?!    Strange that I've/We have heard so little
Have there been any articles on them?
  t I  

    Any Info Much appriciated!!!    ANYTHING!
Thanks, Scott Golby    
	Computer Science
	University of Western@@@

farren@well.sf.ca.us (Mike Farren) (04/04/91)

x91scott@techno.nepean.uws.EDU.AU (Scott Golby) writes:
>are the Xetec CD-ROMs [...] writable?

No CD-ROMs are writeable.  That's why they are CD-*ROM* instead of CD-*RAM*.
Mike Farren 				     farren@well.sf.ca.us