[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] 68010 and non-DMA harddrive controlers

C506634@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU (Eric Edwards) (04/09/91)

Sometime in the past there was a big discussion/flame fest about DMA vs.
NON-DMA hard drive controlers.  One of the things mentioneed was than the
68010's loop mode could improve transfer efficient in non-DMA controlers.

My question is:  Do the device drives in any existing controlers use a tight
loop that can use the 68010's loop mode?

If the above is true, hasn't anyone noticed a signifiigant speedup in disk
opperations after installing a 68010?

Eric Edwards: c506634 @    "The 3090.  Proof that by applying state of the
Inet: umcvmb.missouri.edu   art technology to an obsolete architecture,
Bitnet: umcvmb.bitnet       one can achieve mediocre performance."