an353@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Adam Benjamin) (04/18/91)
I finally desided to go out and buy a 1.3 Rom for my 500, since I just got the AdIDE which supports autobooting (If I can get the ##$$!%@!! thing to work) So I called up the local Amiga dealer and he says... "No ONE has and ROMS now because of the rumor of the 1.35 ROM" I imediately knew he was nuts because IF a 1.35 ROM was in the works I KNOW I would have read about it here, (probably last year too) So I asked him for details and he says, "well I have no official info, it's just a rumor" So why don't you have any ROMs, I said. Because of the rumor, He replied. So I ask you, oh wise and all seeing net users: Is there a 1.35 ROM soon to be unleashed by CBM? Or was this guy trying to cover his lack of inventory?? Let's hear some stats too (if the beast exists) Thanks... (reply either here or E-mail is fine) Adam B -- // | "Keyboard not responding \X/ an353@Cleveland.freenet.EDU| press ESC to continue" Yes, another AMIGA fanatic | ^PC logic in action ^^