[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Adding GVP Series II Hard Disk & Ram to A2000HD

ECZ5ACK@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU (Andy Kohler) (04/23/91)

.Posting for a friend without Usenet access.

I have an Amiga 2000HD with 50 meg HD, and want to add an
additional hard drive and about 4 megs of memory.  I'd like to
get everything in one card, like the GVP Series II SCSI Hard
Disk + RAM Expansion board, and I have a few questions:

1) Can I just install this package in a vacant slot and call
   it DH1:, or do I have to connect it in some special way to
   my existing drive?

2) If I do have to connect it to my existing drive, how
   difficult is it?

Thanks for any information.

Please e-mail any responses, and I'll forward them to him.
Andy Kohler
ecz5ack@mvs.oac.ucla.edu  or  ecz5ack@UCLAMVS