[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] A500 Big power supply

steve@wildcat.UUCP (Steve Holland) (04/23/91)

Since I have seen several people on here talking (oops typing) about 
adding big power supplies to their A500, I thought I might mention
several things: (I just installed a 150watt PC power-supply)

1. Do NOT provide too much available power. If you underload a power
supply, you may cause it to switch down so that it for certain reasons
may get noisy (loud) and/or noisy (electrically). 150 Watts is far more than
most 500 owners will ever need.

2. Get your power supply tested before you install it. Installing it
requires soldering and cutting wires, so after you do that you will probably
not be able to return it if it doesn't work.

3. When you get it, you will be amazed at the number of wires coming out
of it. The best way to connect it to the A500 is by taking a part
an old C= supply. Remove the circuit board and the heat sink from the 
old supply and then solder its cable to the computer to the appropriate
connectors on the new power supply. Note that if yours is like mine, there
will be two different lines in the cable connected to the +5 pin. Connect
these to DIFFERENT +5 lines from the new power supply. Now put
the solder connection and excess cable in that box for the old C= supply.

4. All disclaimers apply - if you blow your computer doing this its YOUR
fault, not mine. YOU take the entire and complete risk.

----------->Steve Holland<-----------
Internet: wildcat!steve@alphalpha.com| "I never let my schooling get in the
USENET:  ...!alphalpha!wildcat!steve | way of my education" -Mark Twain