[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Segate 48 Mb HD blinks 7x and dies - HELP!

drues@iastate.edu (Michael E Drues) (04/25/91)

I have a Seagte 48Mb HD w/ Phoenix controller on my A1000.
When I hard boot, the HD blinks 7 times and then quits.  I can't access
the HD at all.  Power indicator on HD box does light up.

Anyone have an idea of what's going on and/or how I can fix it?
There is some recent info on there that I need RSN!!!

Any info would be GREATLY appreciated.

btw, please respond via email and I will post summary.   
Michael Drues                              Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Internet:drues@iastate.edu                        1146 Veterinary Medicine
BITNET:v2.med@isumvs.bitnet                          Iowa State University
Office:(515)294-6520(or 4-1771) Home:(515)233-5652        Ames, Iowa 50011