[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Moniterm Monitor?

wn0e+@andrew.cmu.edu (William Nichols) (05/03/91)

I recently saw a Mac SE Moniterm 19" monitor at a resale store.  It
looked like it used a  9 Pin connector.  I was just wondering if
anyone knew if this monitor is usable with the Amiga with the proper
connecting cable, or would this need additional interfacing hardware?

-Bill Nichols

bj@cbmvax.commodore.com (Brian Jackson) (05/04/91)

In article <oc8LtZW00WI2Q6oLBH@andrew.cmu.edu> wn0e+@andrew.cmu.edu (William Nichols) writes:
>I recently saw a Mac SE Moniterm 19" monitor at a resale store.  It
>looked like it used a  9 Pin connector.  I was just wondering if
>anyone knew if this monitor is usable with the Amiga with the proper
>connecting cable, or would this need additional interfacing hardware?
>-Bill Nichols

The Moniterms for the Amiga require additional hardware - a board that
plugs into the video slot.  I don't know if Moniterm will sell you
the board alone.  Moniterms *are* nice, though (I'm typing this on one :))


 | Brian Jackson  Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga Inc.  GEnie: B.J. |
 | bj@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com    or  ...{uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!bj     |
 | "Paradise is exactly like where you are right now ...               |
 |                  only much, much better."  - Laurie Anderson        |

baxter_a@wehi.dn.mu.oz (05/05/91)

In article <21228@cbmvax.commodore.com>, bj@cbmvax.commodore.com (Brian Jackson) writes:
> In article <oc8LtZW00WI2Q6oLBH@andrew.cmu.edu> wn0e+@andrew.cmu.edu (William Nichols) writes:
>>I recently saw a Mac SE Moniterm 19" monitor at a resale store.  It
>>looked like it used a  9 Pin connector.  I was just wondering if
>>anyone knew if this monitor is usable with the Amiga with the proper
>>connecting cable, or would this need additional interfacing hardware?
>>-Bill Nichols
> The Moniterms for the Amiga require additional hardware - a board that
> plugs into the video slot.  I don't know if Moniterm will sell you
> the board alone.  Moniterms *are* nice, though (I'm typing this on one :))

How much?

Regards Alan

kuch@reed.edu (05/05/91)

The Hedley/A2024 monitor:

	a) Has it been released?

	b) What does it cost?

	c) How well does it work?


vollath@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE (Ulrich Vollath) (05/06/91)

In article <m0jZl9j-000CJjC@reed.edu>, kuch@reed.edu writes:
|> The Hedley/A2024 monitor:
|> 	a) Has it been released?
I have just purchased one (here in germany).
|> 	b) What does it cost?
It costed about 1000 DM (590$)
|> 	c) How well does it work?
Mine seems to be misaligned by the shipping procedure, because it
can't be adjusted to be sharp all over the display in hires mode and
the geometry is distorted at the edges but I hope this will be fixed soon.
In normal interlaced mode it does a good job (in 63 Hz NTSC Mode the flicker
is little even in black on white screens).

I couldn't test it with costum screens because the disk that came
with the A2024 was dated dec 1988 and didn't contain the programmers reference files (comments from C= ?).

|> Anyone?


Ulrich Vollath                 email: vollath@lan.informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Munich Institute of Technology voice: 004989/2105-8102 (result: -8099.62992874)