[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] When can I get Unix by itself for 3000?

aden@vf.jsc.nasa.gov (05/09/91)

I understand that the 3000UX has been available for a while, with the Unix
and X already installed.  But what about getting Unix and X as a product 
by itself?  My theory:  I'm interested in taking advantage of the power-up
offer in order to get a 3000, but only if I can get Unix and X in the near 
future to install on it.  I would MUCH rather do this, but if it's going to 
be a while, I hate to say it but I can get a 386 machine and slap ESIX on it
for the same $$ as the power-up.  I *don't* want to do this, but I need Unix 
and X within the calendar year.

Commodore?  Are you out there?  Any comments?

S. Spenser Aden  --  Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co. --  (713) 483-2028  
NASA -- Johnson Space Center, Houston -- Flight Data and Evaluation Office
aden@vf.jsc.nasa.gov  --  Comments are mine alone, not those of LESC or NASA.