[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] DigiView

tnaj2@isuvax.iastate.edu (Brian J. Cerveny) (05/10/91)

Several of you asked about the location of the DigiView hardware clone
schematics.  I had said that they were located on ab20.larc.nasa.gov in the
/incoming/amiga/hardware directory where I had posted them.  They are not there
any more.  I took an extra 5 seconds and looked in the /amiga/hardware
directory and there they were.

Now that they seem to be doing a much faster job in keeping up with the uploads
on ab20, it is not a bad idea to check the permanent /amiga directory for
recent files before giving up.

|     ___              ___  ___                  | Unclaimer: All opinions ex-|
|    /__/__  o__ __     /  /   __ __    __ __    | pressed above are probably |
|   /  //_/ //_// /    /  /   /_ /_// //_ / // / | my own, though I may slip  |
| _/__//  \// // /  \_/.  \_//_ /  \\//_ / / \/  | in an opinion expressed by |
|                                           _/   | someone else that supports |
| Stat magni nominue umbra: tnaj2@isuvax.bitnet  | and reinforces my own.     |