[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Graphical User Interface BBS list

bigd@dorsai.com (David Shapiro) (05/21/91)

                       THE GUI-NET BBS LIST
The Official Listing of BBSs Supporting Graphical User Interfaces
                         Ver. 1.0 Rel. 1
                  Copyright (c) 1991 David Shapiro
                        All rights reserved.
                        The Gooey (GUI) BBS
                       212-876-5885 9600 CSP
                       PCRelay IDCODE ->GOOEY
     This list may be distributed and copied for non-commercial
     use, as long as the Gooey (GUI) BBS is given credit and its
     data phone number is disclosed (212-628-5486).
     The BBSs in this listing have not necessarily been verified.
     Inclusion in this listing simply means that the information
     supplied by the sysop of the listed BBS has provided
     information which would entail the suitability of his system
     for being labled as a "Graphical User Interface supporting
     BBS." Therefore, there are no warranties that the systems
     listed are operating or are as described. Thus, The Gooey BBS
     and its affiliates will bear no responsibility for errors
     contained, and all warranties are hereby disclaimed.
      The information listed in this listing must be provided by
      the owner, sysop, or cosysop of the BBS in question. This is
      the only check that I have on the information I obtain. As
      much of the following as possible should be sent:
                BBS Name
                Owner's Name
                Sysop's Name
                Phone Number(s) and Corresponding Modem Type
                BBS's City and State/Province, Country
                System Configuration:
                      Hard Drive(s) Space and Type
                      CD-ROMs? and Software
                      LAN? Type
                BBS Software Type
                # of Nodes
                Subscription Required? (Rates/False)
                Networks the BBS is part of:
                      Network Address (Fido/UUCP/PCRelay ID/etc.)
                      Windows               OS/2
                      Amiga                 Atari ST
                      Macintosh             X/Windows / DESQview
                      GEOS Ensemble         Deskmate
                      NeXT                  Sun
                Additional Comments:
                      Hours Open, etc.
      Submissions can be mailed over the INTERNET to
      bigd@dorsai.com; sent to David Shapiro, routed to ->GOOEY
      in the RelayNet (RIME) Common conference, the Intelec
      PCRelay or Windows Conferences, or the MIDILink common conf.
      Submissions can also be sent in any GUI-Net conference, or
      by logging onto the Gooey (GUI) BBS @ 212-876-5885 (9600
      CSP) with the name "GUILIST" and the password "SUBMISSION"
      and filling out questionnaire #10.

      If any information becomes outdated, or if the BBS is no
      longer in operation, or if a new category of information
      is developed, notification of the new information 
      would be beneficial to all.