[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Hardware vs. Marketplace

c506634@umcvmb.missouri.edu (Eric Edwards) (05/22/91)

In article <4538@bnr-rsc.UUCP> mascot@bnr.ca (Scott Mason) writes:
> poster, but I don't think it does. I wish that questions such as:
>   Which is the best/cheapest/fastest... HD controller for my AXXXX?
> would be directed to CSA.marketplace, not CSA.hardware. I would like
> to see CSA.hardware reserved to issues of HW design. When the
> mandate for .marketplace was composed, didn't it include the above
> family of questions?
When the marketplace charter was composed it was a real pain becuase of
grey areas like this. 1/2 :-)
The lines are:
If it is just pricing or availability it belongs only in marketplace.
If it is just technical details it belongs only in hardware.
Performace and reliability could conceivably be apropriate for both.
However, followups tend to be on technical details.   To avoid unecessary
cross posting, the original posting should probably go into hardware.
Real vague questions like the above should probably not be posted at all as
they could be taken care of in a FAQ posting.  Unfortunately, we don't have
one. :-(  In the mean time, a posting to .introduction with an email reply
would probably be the best route.
What ever happened to the plan to periodically repost the charters?  To the
best of my knowledge, the marketplace charter hasen't seen the light of day
since the group was formed.
Eric Edwards:  c506634 @  "I say we take off and nuke the entire site
Inet: umcvmb.missouri.edu  from orbit.  It's the only way to be sure."
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