[comp.sys.amiga.hardware] Probs w/ MWTape/BTNTape & A3000

sysop@insider.zer.sub.org (05/24/91)

I've just got me a streamer (finally) and am trying to get either BTNTape or 
MWTape (both on Fish, MWTape is from 445) to work with TAR. I can't get 
either one to do ANYTHING!

My setup:

Cipher 150 Meg Streamer

I do not need a `fancy' backup-program, I already have one (even two if you 
count HDBackup/BRU) that work *FINE* doing direct access to the streamer.
I need to get TAR up and running to do some file transfer...


Thanks in advance, -gg

Amiga - What else ? |  Garry Glendown  The Insider HST/V32b +49 (0)6621-77923
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	  //        |        garry@fulmin.rhoen.sub.org   Garry@DGIHRZ01.BITNET
	\X/         |  Zerberus: SYSOP@INSIDER.ZER

   SysOp @ INSIDER    --    Nothing is easy as it looks!